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Monday, June 12, 2006

mengalir umpama elektrik RM450

Aku terbace satu circulation by al-aqsa friends society

Nasihat budak dean list: (muaz hawari, computer engineering, iium)

1. Success (real success) is not talent or brains. Success is handwork, commitment and discipline. Success is about having a positive behavior and attitude as well as good time management.

Procedure2 berjaye dalan akademik: (samer alherbawi, biotech engineering, iium)

1. Mohon pertolongan dari allah setiap mase dan sentasa mengingati bahawe menjadi a good muslim adelah factor yg penting untuk menjadi ‘knowledge seeker’ yg betrjaya…

2. Studi smart dan berusaha keras.

3. Envisioning your goals when performing any activities, this will make you more serious and enthusiastic.

4. Mempunyai skill pengurusan mase yg bagus. Ini akan membuatkan anda menyiapkan kerja dalam waktu yg ditetapkan dan hasil kerja yg bagus.

5. Melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti2 yg dianjurkan oleh universiti, ini akan membantu anda meningkatkan karakter dan mendapat skill2 yg penting yg mane sgt penting untuk career mase depan anda…

6. It’s not the procedures we follow but taking the opportunities that come with being a university leveled student and setting a good example for others.

“one way of being a vicegerent on earth is to excel in our studies…”


thank you very much for your comments

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