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A S S A L A M U A L A I K U M :: p u j i a n k e p a d a A L L A H ::
m y o n l y L O R D o f u n i v e r s e :: w e l c o m e 2 m y b l o g ::
n i c e 2 m e e t u :: i k u t s u k a a k u l a h ! ! ::

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

T-vee 90-an

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Mood: biase je
Lagu tema: TV 60-an (OAG)

Bile aku sampai je rumah sblm raye, aku mendapati tv kt rumah aku dah rosak. Mmg patut rosak pun tv tu sebab tv tu tv lame, yg dibeli mase aku dok temerloh, pahang, mase aku darjah 2. tv tu takde remote control (skarang umor aku 23 tahun dah!). Make tak best la aku duk kat umah tak dapat tgk citer best2. tapi yg best nye tv rosak ni aku mendapat ketenteraman sebab tak diganggu oleh bunyi bising dari TV.

Make aku dgn selumber dan bernas nye berkate: “kite kene beli tv baru”. Saranan yg bernas dan yakin tu sebenarnye ditujukan kepade abg dan adik aku supaye diorang beli tv baru sebab diorang ade duit sebab dah bekerje. Make cadangan aku dipersetujui, lalu kitorang terus pegi tesco sg petani pade mlm hari membeli TV baru yg best.

Aku penah terbace satu pengantar kata himpunan cerpen2 dari sasterawan negare. Shahnon ahmad penah tulis satu cerpen pasal sebuah keluarge islam dalam sebuah kampung. diorang duduk dalam satu rumah yg takde tv dlm di dalamnye. So famili tu tak terpengaruh ngn hiburan dan unsur2 negative dlm TV. Hari2 famili diorang bace quran and selalu semayang on time.

One day rumah tu baru beli tv. So family tu dah tak rajin lagi beribadat, asyik tgk tv je. Tv tu diletakkan atas meje yg dulu selalu disimpan quran atasnye. Tv tu jugak dilapik dgn sejadah yg dulu sejadah tu fungsinye utk semayang.

Akak aku penah ckp kat aku bahawe die berpendapat bahawe yg dimaksudkan ngn dajjal mate satu yg akan muncul diakhir zaman nk kiamat adelah TV dan computer, sebab bende2 ni melekakan dan menjadi medium penyebaran bende2 negative dan fitnah kepade masyarakat global.

Yg dimaksudkan dgn ‘mate satu’ tu adelah screen TV, wayang atau computer. Pendapat akak aku ni disokong oleh seorang penulis bebas yg aku penah bace artikel die dalam satu media mase baru2 ni. Wallahu aklam.

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Takut dingin

mood: takut dingin
Lagu tema: kabus ribut (butterfingers)

Ayam sekor
Telor ayam 20 bijik
Taugeh 80 sen
Kelape mesin RM6
Udang saiz sederhane RM5
udang kering RM2
Nanas 1 bijik
Roti sandwich besar 1 bungkos
Tempe 1 peket
Tauhu 3 bijik

Sebelum raye. Sehari sebelum raye. Mama aku kejut aku pade satu pagi dalam kul 9.30 kot. Mama soh aku beli brg dapor. So aku bgn la tido and terus amek list brg2 kat atas tu.

Lepas raye. Sebelum lunch. Mama aku soh beli taugeh barape posen ntah dan 2 batang timun. Aku pun pegi la kedai kg aku (kedai melayu) nk beli mende2 alah tersebut. Bile sampai je kt kedai tu aku tgk brg2 die tak kualiti. Timun die layu dan kecut, dan ade lubang2 ditebuk serangge perosak. Aku pun terus blah tak jadi beli brg kt situ.

Terus aku pegi kedai cine dekat pekan sane. Masuk2 je kedai tu terus apek tu bagi aku first class servis tanye aku nk ape. Apek tu sgt ‘mentaati’ aku bile aku ckp nk itu dan ini, dan membuat kerje dgn pantas. Agaknye bile die tanye ‘nk ape?’ mase mule2 tadi, aku jwb nk suruh die masuk islam pun kompem die masuk islam on the spot kat kedai tugak. Wa caya sama lu apek.

Kesimpulannye klu nk bercaye dlm perniagaan produk kite mesti lah berkualiti, harge berpatutan dan servis mestilah first class gitu. (aku penah nampak remaje melayu makan dan minum di siang hari mase bln pose kt kedai apek tu)

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Mood: supreme
Lagu tema: superman (five for fighting)

Pagi tadi (281006, sat) dekat2 tengahari aku dapat msg raye dari ‘adam mayat kecik D2.1’ (dah name tu yg aku tulis dalam phone book enset aku). Aku tak tau samede die yg reka msg tu ke atau dia just fowardkan kat aku. Begini bunyik msg dia:

Wishing you hepi idulfitri. Apologizing for any MISTAKES AB INITIO inflicted upon you with or without MALICE. I am in GOOD FAITH that you will discharge all of my act done out of IGNORANCE, INSANITY or stupidity. NISI FRENSI FRUSTRA. Hoping we still maintain our STATUS QUO as before. Those who seek forgiveness SHOULD COME WITH CLEAN HAND.

Ni adelah ayat msg seorang lawyer boy. Yg huruf besar tu semue ade kaitan ngn law. Lepas reply msg tu aku forward plak msg tu kat pizin a.k.a roylizam.

thank you very much for your comments

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Sing in the wind

Mood: nak balik raye, tapi malas kemas barang, basuh baju + dahaga.
Lagu tema: stanza (OAG)

Cerite sebelum balik raye… Alkisah sempene dgn nk raye nih, dan law grad dinner 2006 yg requires kitorang kene pakai baju tema tradisional melayu aku pun pegi la kuar KL sengsorang sebab nk beli baju melayu. Pas puas aku jalan2, lastly aku beli baju tu kat ****. Mase aku cakap nk try baju melayu satu sut kt dalam fitting rum aku amek/mintak baju je pegi try.

Pastu aku kuar fitting room aku cakap akat amoi tu kate aku nk beli baju tu satu sut. Tapi amoi tu kate suruh aku pegi try sekali lagi ngn seluar die skali, die kate pegi try satu sut sampai aku betul2 puas, baru beli.

Pastu aku pun pikir betul gak cakap amoi tu. But at the same time aku terpikir maybe dalam fitting room tu ade kamere CCTV kot, nk rakam gambar aku salin baju. Maybe bile die suruh aku try pakai seluar tu die nk ‘suruh’ aku bukak seluar kot. Tadi mase aku try baju je tanpa seluar, aku kene bukak baju je. Skarang ni bile nk try seluar kene la aku bukak seluar plak…

Lagi satu, mane ade jurujual klu pelanggan dah kate nak beli baju tu, die suruh try lagi sampai puas ati… ye la, mane tau tetibe pas try sekali lagi tu pelanggan bleh change mind tak nak beli plak… Ah, lantak la, janji baju tu best!

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Mood: malas nk tido dan rase nk minum air
Lagu tema: ghost and flowers (the times)

Cerite lepas balik raye… Hari sabtu 281006, aku balik iium from kedah. Sampai iium kul 3.30pm. kol 5pm aku pegi lunch (lunch kul 5pm?) kt sebuah kafe dalam iium. Takde ape2 yg boleh dimakan kecuali ade forener jual makanan. Takde langsung pelanggan malay dalam kafe tu, semuenye forener, kecuali aku je budak melayu sejati kt situ.

Lapar punye pasal aku beli je la kat forener tu. tapi servis die lambat giler. Sampai sorang forener (pelanggan) tu siap sound lagi tokey tu. pastu aku mkn sambil menonton match badminton Malaysia lawan Indonesia. Malaysia kalah. Pastu aku balik bilik buat picture editing. Leceh giler editing tu, mule kul 6 pm, lepas isyak baru siap. (mengedit gambar sekadar hobi, bukannye buat asainmen)

Skarang ni pukol 11.57pm, pukul 11.45pm tadi baru aku perasan yg aku makan ptg tadi tak minum air lagi. Maksudnye badan aku kekurangan air. Patut la rase pening kepale je. Tp dari segi kesihatan kite digalakkan untuk minum air hanye sekurang2nye 30 mimit selepas makan. Supaye air yg diminum tu tak bercampur dan berkocak2 ngn makanan dalam perut kite dan mengeluarkan asid. Camtu la kot lebih kurang, aku pun bukannye tau sgt.

Tp sejak aku amalkan tabiat ni mase buke pose aku rase ok la bagi diri aku. Sebenarnye aku mmg tak selese bile makan tak minum air ni. Rase mcm tekak aku meraung2 je. Tp mase bulan pose tu aku bukak tak mium air sebab malas nk beli air atau malas nk prepare air.

Bile aku buke pose tak minum air takde la perut aku penuh sgt, pas makan terus boleh semayang maghrib, tak payah lepak2 dah. Lagi satu yg bestnye, aku tak kene selesema bulan Ramadan kali ni. Aku rase sebab tabiat ‘tak minum air’ ni kot yg menjadi punce nye.

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Stay in my room

Mood: logik
Lagu tema: animal instinct (the cranberries)

Satu hari aku penah jalan2 ngn pizin dekat2 ngn SHAS mosque. Tetibe pzin tanye aku ape cite2 aku. Then aku jawab la. Pastu die tanye aku, ape cite2 aku yg orang lain tak penah terpikir. Then aku pun jawab.

Kesimpulannye katenye setiap org dalam dunie ni samade sedar atau pun tidak, ade menyimpan cite2 yg pelik yg tak penah org lain pikir. Contohnye abu adelah seorang law student. Secare logic nye maybe cite2 die nk jadi lawyer ke, duta ke, keje kerajaan ke…

Tapi sape tahu, sebenarnye abu pun bercite2 nk jadi seorang composer lagu/musik. Tak pun maybe die nk jadi internal designer ke, penulis novel ke, pengarah filem ke, cikgu tadika ke….

Cube la tanye diri sendiri dan tanye kawan2 kite pasal bende ni, at least kite dapat menilai diri kite dan org lain dari satu sisi yg lain. ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006


tajuk: dingin
mood skarang: selumber dan agak alim
lagu tema: the remedy (tak ingat sape name penyanyi)

mase law fiesta 2006 kat akil dulu diorang ade buat event exhibition, bukak gerai jual buku, etc kat level satu aikol. one day pade suatu pagi dgn kuase tuhan yg maha esa aku masuk la toilet kat level satu tu. then aku terdengar alunan bacaan quran yg sgt sedap CD quran yg dipasang dekat satu gerai tu.. then aku sgt tertarik sekali dgn bacaan ustat tu, compared dgn MP3 bacaan quran yg aku dah ade. pastu aku terus gi dekat gerai tu, aku tanye tokey die, aku tanye sape ustat yg bace quran tu? pastu aku pun beli la cd tu.

balik je bilik, aku terus pasang cd tu. rupe2nye cd tu bukan ustat yg aku nk tu, tapi suare ustat yg lain, suare yg aku kenal sgt. selalu dgr die bace quran dalam radio IKIM... rupe2nye tokey tu salah bagi information kat aku. mase tu baru la aku sedar, rupe2nye dulu aku penah ckp kat kwan aku ustat ni (yg dalam ikim tu) bace quran lagu boring dan tak sedap. maybe tuhan nk ajar aku supeye jgn belagak sgt kot.

so agak lame jugak la aku mencari2 bacean quran dari ustat yg sedap tu. sehinggelah one day aku tersempak ngn sorang kawan aku yg kate die ade satu koleksi MP3 dalam PC die quranic recitation yg sedap nk mampos oleh ustat pe ntah. pastu die bg la cd tu kat aku, lepas aku dgr suare and lagu quranic recitation tu aku terus jadi girang sebab inilah uastat yg aku cari2 selame ni....

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Monday, October 16, 2006

cerite sebab boring

Tadi gi bank muamalat, jumpe ngn che razi, bekas staff kat SDEV, skrang dah jadi lecturer ngajar subjek UNGS. Walau pun dia tak ingat name aku, at least die kenal aku lagi. Aku lebih byk tanye die berbanding die tanye aku. Rupe2nye dah ade 4 orang anak dah. Yg latest name imran, baru sebulan lahir. Name imran tu bro. che’ razi sendiri yg bagi. Anak yg paling tua umor 9 tahun.

Sebelum mule borak ngn die, aku tanye die dulu, nk kene panggil ‘abang razi’ ke nak kene panggil ‘ustaz’ skarang? Die dgn rendah diri suruh panggil die ‘abang’. Tapi aku panggil die ‘ustatz’ gak sebab aku respek kat die. Orang yg menjadi guru nih mesti dihormati. Lagi pun mane tau klu2 dlm bank tu ade student die yg terdengar aku panggil die ‘abang’ mesti jatuh reputasi die. Pastu kitorang borak lagi… lagi dan lagi..

Pastu bro. razi bagaitau aku tadi die baru je bar 6 orang student die from 3 section sebab tak datang kelas secare melampau dan tanpa sebab yg munasabah. Menurut nye itu adelah kali pertame die bar student die sejak mengajar UNGS 4 semester yg lalu. Katenye sebelum ni die tak kisah pun student die buat camtu, tapi kali nih die dah ilang sabar, dan pengajaran perlu diberikan.

Pastu dalam bank tu aku jumpe plak ngn salah seorang imam masjid uia. Aku tak ingat name die. Tapi die nih mmg ramah ngn students. Asal jumpe sape2 yg die kenal je, mesti die tegur. Mule kenal die sejak aku deal pasal tempat tdo budak2 mentee akhi nk tido kat masjid untuk setiap pogrem kem akhi kat uia… selame 3 tahun aku jadi member akhi ni. Dulu ustat tu offer aku beli CD seminar agame pasal ajaran sesat kat ofs die, tapi aku tak beli pun. Mase ustat tu masuk dalam bank, aku nampak die pegang satu buku macam buku resit. Tapi aku tak tau langsung bende ape tu. Pastu ustat tu pun kuar bank.

Pastu abang razi kuar, masuk plak bro. Daniel, staff kat SDEV yg ganti bro. che’ razi tadi. Make aku pun borak dan borak.

Bile aku kuar bank, aku pun nampak ustat yg aku jumped lm bank tadi, rupe2nye die tgh saman sorang sister yg pakai seksi mase bulan ramadhan kat mesin ATM bank muamalat. Die suruh sister tu tande tangan kat ‘buku resit’ tu. Rupe2 nye buku resit tu adelah buku saman. Make terpakselah sister tadi mendengar ‘ceramah petang’ ustat tadi dikhalayak ramai… oh, sungguh memalukan.

Wallahu a’lam.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

artificial F family

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Artificial F family

Adekah Malaysia sebuah negare yg aman? Adekah Malaysia sebuah tempat yg selamat? Adekah rakyatnye begitu berbudi? Mungkin ya dan mungkin jugak tidak.

Hari rabu, 11102006, bile aku balik bilik pade pukol 1pm, aku dapat tau bilik 2.5 kene rompak. Aku pun masuk la bilik jiran aku tu (bilik aku 2.6), tgk abis brg2 bersepah. Yg jadi mangse adelah ‘ S’(budak Bangladesh), duit biasiswa die rm450 duit yg baru die buat kuar semalam dia ilang kene curik. Menurut ‘S’ dia tak kunci locker die mase pegi kelas, walaupun dalam locker die ade duit tu. lihatlah, betape berperasangka baiknye ‘S’ terhadap rakyat Malaysia.

Seorang lagi mangse adelah ‘M’, kehilangan laptop nye yg disorokkan olehnye di bawah katil. Lap top disorokkan di bawah katil kerane locker die mmg tak berkunci. Mase aku view the crime scene, hanye aku ngn ‘S’ je yg ade. Yang lain2 masih tak tau citer nih sebab diorang gi kelas. Si ‘S’ plak baru je balik from ofis kolej buat repot.

Bile aku tanye dia, ade ke officer tu amek ape2 statement dari dia pasal kes ni, dia jwb takde. Nampak sgt diorang tak series pasal kes nih. Si ‘S’ memang marah tak ingat mase cite bende ni kat aku, sambil buat muke tension dan tak puas ati kat pencuri tu. Dia ckp kat aku nk apply tukar kolej as soon as possible. Apelah budak2 ni… bulan pose pun nk buat keje jahat…

Tahun lepas bilik 2.7 ade ilang digi camera and laptop kene curik. Bilik 2.2 pun kene gak, iaitu wallet kawan aku ilang bersame duit. 2-3 hari tu wallet tu dijumpai kat bilik air level 4 tanpe duit.

Kesimpulanye: jage lah barang2 anda dgn sebaik2nye dan jgn lah mencurik brg org lain.

Sodapop big eyed monkey

Hari selase 10102006, adelah hari nuzul quran. Make hari ni takde kelas sebab cuti. Tapi kitorang setuju ngn tuan haji abu haniffa nk buat hearing dgn die pade hari ni, so aku, ezzad, doli dn khairie pun berpakaian serba black and white ala2 lawyer berjumpe ngn tuan haji abu hniffa nk buat hearing summon in chamber pasal kes guaman sivil shaik ali bin shaik ahmad v. shaik Mohamed bin shaik hasan.

Kes ni bapak punye lame, tahun 1963 ha! Rules of high court pun 1980 baru ade. Kesimpulannye hearing tu OK la bagi aku, walaupun ade gak yg kitorang merepek2 dan mereka2 sambil buat muke konfident! dah tak tau dah nk cakap pe…

Tiptopngetop spongebob

Dari dulu sampai sekarang dan akan datang asyik timbul je soal mahasiswa yg takde jati diri, lemah dan tak berdaya saing. Maksudnye mahasiswa dituduh tidak mempunyai pemikiran yg kritis atau idea bernas dan berkualiti. Mahasiswa juge dituduh kebanyakannye tidak mempunyai keyakinan untuk mengekspresikan pendapat secare effectif.

Ape yg nyate skrang byk giler mahasiswa yg terlibat dalam gejale yg tidak sihat seperti blackmetal, mat rempit, dan lebih cenderung mengamalkan gaya hidup yg penuh dgn hiburan. Hiburan pun hiburan gak, tapi jgn lupe membace buku yg bermanfaat, baru le intelektual dan genius!

Betul ke tuduhan ni? Tanye la diri korang sendiri. OK lah, jom kite usha ape yg imam hassan al banna cakap. As-Syahid Imam Hassan Al-Banna telah menggariskan 10 ciri keperibadian Muslim seperti berikut:

1. Kuat tubuh badan
2. Mantap akhlaq
3. Pemikiran yang intelek
4. Mampu berdikari
5. Aqidah yang sejahtera
6. Ibadah yang benar
7. Bermujahadah terhadap hawa nafsu
8. Menjaga waktu
9. Bermanfaat kepada manusia lain
10. Kehidupan yang bersistematik

60’s crunchy pop fuzz

Lagu best oleh sammi yusuf… untuk sape2 yg penah diberanakkan oleh seorang ibu… lirik ni tak same langsung dgn lagu yg dia nyanyi, sebab aku dah combinekan lirik dia yg versi bahase inggeris, urdu, arab dan juge turki…. Banyak betol la versi lagu nih… okey la, ckp byk tak nak la, korg bace sendiri la lirik dia yg touching tu… (pastikan anda bace sampai menangis, klu tak nangis gak, bace sekali lagi sampai nangis! Tangisan anda mestilah betul2 ikhlas, klu tak ikhlas tak aci!)

Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But I never realised it
And now it’s too late
Forgive me
Now I’m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years I caused you pain
If only I could sleep in your arms again
Mother I’m lost without you
You were the sun that brightened my day
Now who’s going to wipe my tears away
If only I knew what I know today
Mother I’m lost without you
To whom will I tell my sorrow
in your absence, mother?
I didn’t know your real value, my beloved mother
The Messenger (pbuh) said
“Paradise is under the mothers’ feet”
Your image is in my heart, my soul, and my dreams
When you left, my soul left
Our separation was painful
The world gave me pain
and sorrow my beloved mother
I cry like a cloud
You are like a song on my tongue
I’ve wronged you countless times
Forgive me mother
How I long to see O mother
“Your mother, Your mother, Your mother”
Is the saying of your Prophet
In my heart, in my dreams
You are always with me mother
You went and left me
O light of my eyes
O comfort of my nights
You went and left me
Who, other than you, will embrace me?
Who, other than you, will cover me?
Who, other than you, will guard over me?
Your pardon mother, forgive me

Sensasi radar oren

Baru2 ni aku telah menziarahi bilik kawan aku kat 3.5 kolej faruk blok mane ntah, make aku telah belajar satu mende best iaitu care2 nk mengikat tali leher! Hahaha! Tak sangke pade umor 23 tahun baru aku pandai mengikat tali leher dgn pantas dan mudah!

Kemudian aku baru dapat tahu bahawe tengku alias budak bilik tu ade persamaan ngn aku iaitu mase kecik2 tak suke makan kurme sebab manis sgt, dah tue2 baru la kitorang boleh terime rase buah kurme dgn senang hati…

lepas tu aku mule rase betape bestnye menjadi seorang budak sciences mcm sazlie n zul along ni bile diorang cite kat aku pasal teori2 sains dan matematik, tentang teori bahawe cahaye tu adelah sebenarnye terdiri dari zarah2 yg sgt halus, tapi teori ni still arguable. Juge tentang teori kite boleh pegi ke mase depan, black hole, dan teori bigbang yg boleh dipertikaikan tu.

Dan juge tentang teori memori otak manusie dan teori galaksi di alam yg serbe luas nih. Semuenye lebih kurang same ngn ape yg penah Sayap (budak sciences) citer kat aku mase kat matrik dulu.

Tak lupe jugak aku dpt membace sebuah buku yg dipinjam oleh sazlie dari library tentang ilmu falaq dan kalender islam. Baru la aku tau tentang sejarah dan tokoh2 kalender lunar (bulan) dan suria, dan hukum2 mengenainye yg bersifat global dan tempatan.

Tak lupe jugak aku dihidangkan oleh buku tasawuf moden kaangan HAMKA, juge dipinjam oleh sazlie dari library.

Tak lupe jugak aku dapat mkn strawberi yg dibeli oleh zul dekat mane nath. Rupe2nye umor 23 baru tau mcm mane rase buah tu, lain langsung rasenye dengan aiskrem strawberi yg aku penah beli…

Pesona bintang curang

Ni plak assainment yg penah aku buat, case review, submitted to tuan abu haniffa, lecturer civil procedure aku… original report kes dia bapak panjang giler. Nasib baik kes ni kes baru, so report kes tu ditulis secare tersusun dan lebih berinformatif formatnye…. Berbeza ngn report2 kes yg lame… (klu aku tersalah buat review pasal kes ni jgn saman aku, mende tu adelah tak disengajekan. Asainmen ini adelah semate2 untuk tujuan akademik sahaje)

Dato’ Abdullah Hishan bin Hj Mohd Hashim v Sharma kumari Shukla (No. 3) (2000) 1 AMR 334. This case was tried in High Court of Kuala Lumpur before Kamalanathan Ratnam J.

Facts of the case:

The Plaintiff commenced an action against the defendant for purportedly breached her agreement to convert to Islam and marry him. The plaintiff alleged that he loaned the defendant RM262, 350 for purchase of 165, 000 shares in Insas Sdn. Bhd. The Defendant as consideration to the loan given, purportedly agreed to convert to Islam and marry the Plaintiff.

The Plaintiff alleged that they had mutually agreed that the defendant would retain 50% of the shares for her benefit and transfer the remaining 50% of the shares to the Plaintiff in the event he predeceases her. Besides, the Plaintiff alleged that the Defendant had agreed to return shares to him if he failed to comply with her agreement to convert to Islam and marry him.

The Plaintiff sought a declaration that he was the beneficial owner of the 83, 000 shares held by the Defendant and the return sum of RM131, 140 being purchase price of the said shares. Also claimed is the sum of RM19, 000 being the profits derived by the Defendant from the sale of 20, 000 of 83, 000 shares. Furthermore, for having been misled through fraud and deception into believing that the Defendant would convert to Islam and marry the Plaintiff, exemplary and aggravated damages also sought. The plaintiff also sought for permanent injunction to restrain the defendant from dealing with the shares apart from claiming interest and cost.

The Defendant disputed the claims and sought to set-off the sum of RM131, 140 claimed by the Plaintiff. The Defendant claimed that the sum was made due to her freelance work she had done for the Plaintiff. On account of the set-off the Defendant contended that the Plaintiff was not entitled to the return of the 83, 000 shares or its value in money.

The Defendant refused to testify on her own behalf at the hearing. She instead called other witnesses. To show that the Plaintiff’s admission of sexual intimacy with the Defendant (who is a married woman) had infringed s. 24(c), (b) and (e) of the Contracts act 1950, the Defendant attempted to call an expert in Islamic Law as a witness.

The Defendant also disputed the admissibility of photographs at the hearing although it was never objected by the Defendant during the pre-trial case management proceeding (included in the common agreed bundle of documents) despite the directions given by the Court.

Issues of the case:

1. Whether admissibility of documents deemed agreed upon during the pre-trial case management proceeding may be challenged during the trial.

2. Whether the refusal of the Defendant to testify on her own behalf may allow the Court to draw an adverse inference against her.

3. Whether the civil court has jurisdiction to deal with matters pertaining to the Islamic religion.

4. Whether the Plaintiff is entitled to exemplary damages.

5. Whether the Plaintiff is entitled to aggravated damages.

Court’s findings/held:

1. At the pre-trial case management proceeding the Court directed that any party intending to challenge the inclusion of any documents in the common agreed bundle of documents (CABD) should request the other party to prove the contents. Because of the Defendant’s failure to raise any objection at the time, the photographs therefore stood as agreed and admitted of their contents. As a result, the Court cannot uphold the Defendant’s objection to the admissibility of the photographs at the trial.

2. As the main proponent to the litigation, the Defendant must herself rebut the Plaintiff’s allegations. Other evidence can corroborate her testimony. The defendant ought not to be allowed to call other witnesses first since all the material facts have been alleged against the Defendant and they are personal to and within the knowledge of the Defendant. Therefore when the Defendant in this case refused to take the witness stand without any plausible reason, an adverse inference must be drawn against her. Although the Defendant has right in law not to testify where she has no compulsion, she must be prepared to face the consequences of an adverse inference being drawn against her for failure to testify. The failure clearly went to discredit the truth of her case and to establish the truth of the Plaintiff’s case. There is no persuasive evidence in support to the Defendant’s case to justify her averments even though there is no rule of law stated that the Defendant must let herself be examined as a witness in order to establish her case.

The Defendant in this case let her husband to testify on her behalf. He has absented during any conversations between the Plaintiff and the Defendant and anything he told the Court was what was told to him by the Defendant (his wife) and such evidence is pure hearsay which consequently almost all such evidence had to be rejected by the Court.

3. The learned Judge relied in Ramah binti Ta’at v Laton binti Malim Sutan (1931) where Thorne J. upheld that matters relating to Islamic religion be dealt with by a separate court that ought to be set up i.e. the Syariah Court. In this case, the Defendant’s attempt to call the expert witness in Islamic law in order to prove the Plaintiff’s admissions to sexual intimacy with her, a married woman had contravened s. 24(c), (b) and (e) of the Contract Act 1950 would not assist the Court in this case. It is besides against s. 136 of the Evidence Act 1950 as to the relevancy of the witness. The parties had agreed that as the consideration of the loan given to the Defendant, she will convert to Islam and marry the Plaintiff. The sexual experiences the Plaintiff had with the Defendant have nothing to do with the loan.

4. Relying on the fact that the Defendant and her husband had conspired to lead into Plaintiff believing that the Defendant would convert and marry the Plaintiff, the Plaintiff prayed for exemplary damages. The plaintiff granted the loan induced by the Defendant’s promise to convert and marry him and such promise contains deceits which made a stronger case for damages made out. The primary object of an award is to compensate the Plaintiff for harm done to him and the secondary object is to punish the Defendant for his conduct in inflicting the harm. The second object is achieved by awarding exemplary or punitive damages in addition to the normal compensatory damages whereby in the Defendant’s conduct contains malice, fraud, cruelty or the like.

However Lord Devlin in House of Lords in Rookes v Barnad (1964) reviewed the principle of awarding exemplary damages whereby it is no longer permissible to award exemplary damages against the Defendant however outrageous his conduct except a few exceptional cases. There are 3 categories of ‘exceptional cases’ meant in the case i.e. (1) Oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional conduct by Government servants, (2) Conduct calculated to result in profit, and (3) Express authorization by statute. The Court found that the only category that can apply in this case is the second.

The meaning of the “profit” can be extended as the desires of the Defendant to be called ‘Datin’ (according to PW5, Abdullah Hussien, the Plaintiff’s limosine driver) and to gain as much benefits from that title and the Plaintiff. The Court is not to make excessive awards since the object of such award is to punish. However the court in making this award ought to consider the conduct of the parties particularly the Defendant. The Defendant has made several wild and baseless accusations that degraded the Plaintiff reputation as a businessman. Worse, the Plaintiff’s family also threatened in many ways such as by phone call to harm the family members if he did not drop the suit.

The Court also considered the conduct of the Plaintiff and rejected the Plaintiff’s own quantification and only awarded the damages amounting to RM500, 000.

5. For Court to award the aggravated damages, the Plaintiff must show that the conduct of the Defendant was so obnoxious. The Plaintiff in this case was subjected to humiliation when the Defendant made various baseless, false and fabricated allegations against him. By all of these the Defendant put the Plaintiff through indignity. These were to harm the Plaintiff (who was bestowed with the title of Datukship) with the maximum publicity of both local and foreign media. The Court considering the Plaintiff was subjected to prolonged and lengthy cross-examination without let up by experienced counsel, and that the Defendant could not establish her case awarded the Plaintiff the sum of RM500, 000 as aggravated damages.

Other rulings by the Court:

1. The Plaintiff asked the Court to exercise its discretion to award interest from such period as the Court thinks fit and just. The Court exercising its discretion awarded the Plaintiff an interest at 6% per annum from July 1, 1996 to the date of the judgment on the claim by the Plaintiff for the sum of RM131, 140 being the cost of 83, 000 units of Insas shares registered in the name of the Defendant. The Court also awarded an interest at 6% per annum from February 26, 1997 to date of judgment for the claim of RM19, 000 being the profit derived by the Defendant by selling 20, 000 of the 83, 000 Insas shares retained by her on February 25 and on February 26, 1997.

2. The Plaintiff also prayed for two sets of costs. The Court having regard to the nature and complexity of the case judged that the Plaintiff entitled to two sets of costs.

3. During the trial the Defendant contended that the value of the 83, 000 shares amounting to RM131, 140 held by her was the actual sum due to her from the Plaintiff for the free lance work she had done. The Court asked the Defendant’s solicitor to show how the Defendant had calculated the working hours to arrive the amount of 131, 140 as amount due to her. The counsel failed to tender any evidence to show the calculation. Therefore the Court considered that the Defendant had lacked of evidence and hence fail to establish her case.

4. The counsel for the Defendant attempted to call a witness (who described himself as a private investigator) to testify that he was retained by the Plaintiff to keep surveillance on the Defendant. The counsel for the Plaintiff objected that the Plaintiff never engaged and knowing him. The witness fail to tender anything upon asked by the Court any written instruction from the Plaintiff to act or any written report by him to the Plaintiff. The counsel for the Defendant also failed to warn the witness that he might be breaching his rules of ethics by testifying on behalf of the person on whom he was to maintain surveillance, and against the party that had appointed him (assuming the Plaintiff had actually appointed the said witness). The Court disallowed the witness from being called because it was unfair to the Plaintiff who has not responded in his evidence about the engagement of the witness.

Chou! Chin! Chou!

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